Gemmotherapy Highlight: The Beautiful Lemon Tree
WRITTEN BY Jenn Payeur
Founder, Nature-Provides, A Power Up Nursing Health & Wellness Partner

You are likely familiar with various herbal remedies and may have even used them
from time to time. Herbal medicine, also known as botanical medicine and
phytotherapy, is one of the world's oldest healing practices, with herbal healing
traditions found in virtually every culture and nation all across the globe.
Though herbal medicine, in general, may be familiar to you, you may not be aware
of gemmotherapy, a term that is derived from the Latin word gemmo, which
means bud. Gemmotherapy, also known as plant stem cell therapy, is perhaps
the most potent form of herbal medicine and one that can gently yet powerfully
enhance health and reverse many chronic disease conditions in ways that other
plant forms cannot do.
Plant stem cell extracts are potent drainage remedies that are:
ü Biophotonic
ü Vibrational
ü Informational
ü Regenerative
They create stabilized dodecahedron cellular water in the body, thus creating
coherence within the whole terrain. Also, there is intentionality in every step of
the process, from bud to bottle.
Each unique plant has an affinity to a system and/or an organ in the body. Due to
their complex chemical constituents, one plant can support healing in many ways.
Take Lemon Tree, for example. Lemon Tree plant stem cell extract offers multiple
healing pathways, including:
o Reduces C-reactive protein
o Used as a blood fluidifier (Varicose veins/ arteritis/infarction) and regulates
the blood coagulation mechanism
o Normalizes cholesterol, triglycerides & fibrinogen
o Hiccups (antispasmodic), digestive complaints, dyspepsia, cirrhosis of the liver
o Nervous headaches and migraines, neuro-toxic syndrome, cervical arthrosis
associated with vertigo, depression, maxillofacial TMJ
o Effective against mold allergies
o Potent alkalinizer of acid and supports with acid reflux
o Wonderful for addictions and emotional traumas
If you or your patients/clients are dealing with a chronic health issue, give plant
stem cell extracts a try. Your body will thank you.
You can learn more here –