Nurses have always been pioneers in the understanding and use of cutting-edge medical research. Power Up Nursing is proud to announce our partnership with Gaia Healers to explore and advance the science of human energy and healing.
As many of you know, registered nurses throughout the United States can practice and bill for “Reiki” – human energy balancing - therapy. Many hospitals across the United States offer Reiki to their patients. It is being used pre- and postoperatively to reduce anxiety and accelerate healing. It is recommended for cardiac patients and to those with stress-related pathologies such as high blood pressure.
The biofield is an energetic field that surrounds and permeates the human body, encompassing the electromagnetic fields generated by the body's organs, tissues, and cells. This subtle energy field is believed to be vital in regulating physiological processes and maintaining overall health and vitality. Biofields, generated by all living systems, include the electromagnetic patterns from the brain (EEG) and heart (ECG). The use of biofield-based therapies can be traced back to ancient systems of care including Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine.
Increasingly courses in bioenergetics are being taught at U.S. medical schools as well as at major academic research universities. Colorado State University (CSU) even offers a PhD in Human Bioenergetics that is a multidisciplinary approach to the study of energy, exploring in depth how energy is transferred within the body. The science and research at CSU focus on how the body regulates energy processes and how that energy influences overall health and wellness, with an emphasis on the study of energy transfer pathways.
GAIA HEALERS, our newest Power Up Nursing 12-month partner, explores the power and potential of the human biofield for wellness using proprietary technology called BioWell™ and by offering courses and other programs to healthcare providers interested in the future of quantum medicine. GAIA HEALERS’ mission is to unlock the unseen science of bioenergy with advanced energy measurement and research
Nurses and other healthcare providers can register for free at GAIA HEALERS at www.gaiahealers.com to receive education, information, and training opportunities. Power Up Nursing encourages our members to sign up to learn.
To explore more about current medical perspective on biofield, explore this article by Dr Deepak Chopra et al that also mentions BioWell technology.